Building a business is complex.

So many options to start and grow your business…so little time! Every day you probably hear about a new tactic or thing you that you “must do”. You’ll be in a constant state of overwhelm unless you make a decision to focus on what’s most important.

No need to figure it out yourself…I’ll help you map out your path to success. I offer both targeted & flexible solutions to give you exactly what you need with a custom blend of strategy, design, tech & marketing. 

The right small steps forward add up over time! Working with me will speed up your progress and ease your stress. Today, make a decision that you want to get started, and let’s talk.

Your Plan vs. Reality

Brand building isn’t a straight line.

You can SPEED UP or REPEAT tactics for additional services, new ideas & opportunities, different target audiences, seasonal changes, etc. Start with your marketing essentials. This may be enough, or you can add advanced strategies.

You can also SLOW DOWN or SHIFT to adjust around life’s surprises—family issues, illness, deaths, the pandemic, and other things beyond your control. These things WILL happen. Plan for the expected unexpected, adjusting as needed.

You’re too close to the problem.

When you are working hard every day, it is extremely difficult to take a step back and look at things from a high-level perspective. Get feedback on ideas, brainstorming, and insight to shorten your TO-DO list!

  • What should you keep doing?
  • What needs to change?
  • And how can you maximize your return on investment?
  • How can you implement the changes you need to make?
Brand strategy with Virtuallinda

Brand identity is your strategy in action.

I’ll turn your ideas into a cohesive design that reflects your goals & vision. I can improve DIY marketing or design or create a custom design.

Brand identity is your strategy in action.

I’ll turn your ideas into a cohesive design that reflects your goals & vision. I can improve DIY marketing or design or create a custom design.

Design examples by Virtuallinda

Why Work With Me?

My outside perspective will get you unstuck.

I’ll zero in on your most important problem and provide strategies, and/or implementation of next steps.

To learn more, just click the + bar below:

[ultimate_exp_section title=”Leverage my 30+ years of experience” new_title=”Leverage my 30+ years of experience” text_color=”#121316″ background_color=”#e9e9ed” text_hovercolor=”#121316″ bghovercolor=”#b0b5bf” title_active=”#616676″ title_active_bg=”#e9e9ed” cnt_bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”Defaults-plus” new_icon=”Defaults-minus” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”25″ icon_color=”#2e3138″ icon_hover_color=”#2e3138″ icon_active_color=”#2e3138″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_hoverbg=”#ffffff” icon_active_color_bg=”#ffffff” title_alignment=”left” heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_margin=”margin:0px;” desc_padding=”padding:25px;” title_padding=”padding:5px;” icon_margin=”margin:5px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_line_ht=”desktop:24px;”]

Since 1994, I have worked with a wide variety of clients & projects, giving me a unique set of skills & experience to apply to your challenges.

I see the big picture of how multiple brand-building pieces fit together and blind spots that business owners miss. My passion is sharing my expertise in design, branding, strategy, website usability and creativity to fill in the gaps between where you are now and where you want to go.

I am your creative & strategic partner to help you turn goals into action & bring your ideas to life. Scattered ideas turn into solutions to avoid mistakes and leverage your limited time, money and energy to make the process of starting and growing a business easier.

Brand strategy with Virtuallinda
[/ultimate_exp_section][ultimate_exp_section title=”Gather your ideas with Brand Builder Toolkits” new_title=”Gather your ideas with Brand Builder Toolkits” text_color=”#121316″ background_color=”#e9e9ed” text_hovercolor=”#121316″ bghovercolor=”#b0b5bf” title_active=”#616676″ title_active_bg=”#e9e9ed” cnt_bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”Defaults-plus” new_icon=”Defaults-minus” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”25″ icon_color=”#2e3138″ icon_hover_color=”#2e3138″ icon_active_color=”#2e3138″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_hoverbg=”#ffffff” icon_active_color_bg=”#ffffff” title_alignment=”left” heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_margin=”margin:0px;” desc_padding=”padding:25px;” title_padding=”padding:5px;” icon_margin=”margin:5px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_line_ht=”desktop:24px;”]
Brand Builder Toolkits by Virtuallinda

No need to “figure it out” by yourself…
use my personalized shortcuts & strategies!

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You’ll get access as needed. It’s combined with 1-on-1 strategy calls & design to create your custom solution. This is similar to group training programs, but without the overwhelm of having to sort through a bunch of information to find the few golden nuggets that apply to your business. It also maximizes our time together, since you can review the basics & gather your thoughts before our calls.
