Marketing Overwhelm

Are you…

  • Worried about how to get more leads & referrals?
  • Stressed by a long TO-DO list of too many marketing tactics?
  • Struggling with “easy” do-it-yourself marketing tools?
  • Embarrassed by your outdated or non-existent website?
  • Distracted by “bright shiny objects” & scattered ideas?
  • Wasting time, money & energy trying to increase profits?
Marketing Overwhelm

Are you…

  • Worried about how to get more leads & referrals?
  • Stressed by a long TO-DO list of too many marketing tactics?
  • Struggling with “easy” do-it-yourself marketing tools?
  • Embarrassed by your outdated or non-existent website?
  • Distracted by “bright shiny objects” & scattered ideas?
  • Wasting time, money & energy trying to increase profits?

There’s an easier way. Let me work with you!

My structured, yet flexible approach will move you forward to brand building success.

I can also implement your ideas with marketing messages, websites, graphic design & more! We work at your pace, with your budget. Start taking smart action (small steps count).

Let me help you…

[info_list icon_bg_color=”#121316″ icon_color=”#ffffff” font_size_icon=”24″ icon_border_style=”solid” icon_border_size=”1″ border_color=”#9093a2″ eg_br_style=”dotted” eg_br_width=”4″ connector_color=”#bcbfc8″][info_list_item list_title=”Increase referrals & leads” list_icon=”Defaults-group” animation=”rotateIn”]by strategically networking with a clear message[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Attract ideal clients” list_icon=”Defaults-magnet” animation=”rotateIn” title_font_size=”desktop:14px;” desc_font_size=”desktop:14px;”]with professionally designed marketing materials[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Book sales conversations” list_icon=”Defaults-calendar” animation=”rotateIn”]& get contacted by qualified leads & referrals, 24/7[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Maximize your profits” list_icon=”Defaults-money” animation=”rotateIn”]by focusing on actions that give you a better ROI[/info_list_item][/info_list]
[info_list icon_bg_color=”#121316″ icon_color=”#ffffff” font_size_icon=”24″ icon_border_style=”solid” icon_border_size=”1″ border_color=”#9093a2″ eg_br_style=”dotted” eg_br_width=”4″ connector_color=”#bcbfc8″][info_list_item list_title=”Focus your scattered ideas” list_icon=”Defaults-bullseye” animation=”rotateIn”]with an outside perspective to outline a path forward[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Reduce stress & overwhelm” list_icon=”Defaults-smile” animation=”rotateIn”]by simplifying your marketing TO-DO list[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Free up your time & energy” list_icon=”Defaults-cogs” animation=”rotateIn”]with tech solutions to streamline your workflow[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Boost your confidence” list_icon=”Defaults-thumbs-up2″ animation=”rotateIn”]by knowing how to sell your value to your best niche[/info_list_item][/info_list]

Are you feeling marketing overwhelm?

First, let me say that you aren’t alone. I have experienced ups & downs in my business. I see many other entrepreneurs also struggling. The world has also made a seismic shift with many people reevaluating their priorities.

Take a deep breath. Exhale. Keep reading.

Let’s see how you got to this point. No shame. Just be honest. Start with looking at where you are now. Think about where you want to go. What are the obstacles in your way? I help you to bridge that gap, navigate around challenges, and find the path forward. Click + to learn more.

To learn more, just click the + bar below:

[ultimate_exp_section title=”Unfocused effort is exhausting!” new_title=”Unfocused effort is exhausting!” text_color=”#121316″ background_color=”#e9e9ed” text_hovercolor=”#121316″ bghovercolor=”#b0b5bf” title_active=”#616676″ title_active_bg=”#e9e9ed” cnt_bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”Defaults-plus” new_icon=”Defaults-minus” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”25″ icon_color=”#2e3138″ icon_hover_color=”#2e3138″ icon_active_color=”#2e3138″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_hoverbg=”#ffffff” icon_active_color_bg=”#ffffff” title_alignment=”left” heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_margin=”margin:0px;” desc_padding=”padding:25px;” title_padding=”padding:5px;” icon_margin=”margin:5px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_line_ht=”desktop:24px;”]

Trying to find new leads & referral sources can feel like a never-ending hamster wheel. Can you relate…

  • You’re busy going to many different networking events, or you’re avoiding connecting with potential leads. Yet you know a lot of people, but your efforts aren’t turning into clients!
  • You’ve tried lots of marketing tactics…social media, blogging, Facebook ads, speaking events, search engine optimization (SEO), and more! Or they are on your TO-DO list and you’re stressed about it.
  • You’ve invested in cookie-cutter solutions (webinars, online courses, group programs and retreats) that may seem like the answer, but they were too much work to keep up with! You have a ton of marketing information, but no specific direction.
  • Your schedule isn’t the same each week, so you need a flexible plan. You also have life stress that needs to be worked around.
  • Now you’re trying to “pivot” but you are just creating a tangled mess and not making progress forward. Your world has been turned upside down! You can’t handle more big changes right now.
Entrepreneur on a hamster wheel
[/ultimate_exp_section][ultimate_exp_section title=”Brand building requires new skills.” new_title=”Brand building requires new skills.” text_color=”#121316″ background_color=”#e9e9ed” text_hovercolor=”#121316″ bghovercolor=”#b0b5bf” title_active=”#616676″ title_active_bg=”#e9e9ed” cnt_bg_color=”#ffffff” icon=”Defaults-plus” new_icon=”Defaults-minus” icon_align=”left” icon_size=”25″ icon_color=”#2e3138″ icon_hover_color=”#2e3138″ icon_active_color=”#2e3138″ icon_style=”square” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” icon_color_hoverbg=”#ffffff” icon_active_color_bg=”#ffffff” title_alignment=”left” heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” desc_margin=”margin:0px;” desc_padding=”padding:25px;” title_padding=”padding:5px;” icon_margin=”margin:5px;” title_font_size=”desktop:24px;” title_line_ht=”desktop:24px;”]

The branding process has many moving parts.

In addition to your area of expertise, you need a business plan, marketing message, sales process, brand identity, networking strategy, marketing tactics, & more.

  • You’ve tried to learn and take action, but nothing seems to be happening.
  • You’re doing everything you’re “supposed to do”, without enough results.
  • You’re making things too complicated for yourself, but can’t get focused!
  • You keep looking for a fix, but you’re wasting your time, money & energy.
Unfocused marketing is exhausting

Positive changes can happen…step by step.

I can’t promise you big transformation overnight.

Instead, I focus on your next best step. Again and again, strategically adjusting. That leads to real, lasting change. Let’s change your approach to brand building.

New marketing skills

Break your cycle of insanity.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over, yet expecting different results.

If you related to what I’ve outlined here, I know you are ready for a change. It’s insanity to think that change can happen if you don’t get help.

I offer a structured, yet flexible approach that will lead you forward. I am ready to WORK WITH YOU to create the changes you want. Leverage my 30+ years of expertise combined with your brilliance to build your brand.

Let’s talk about working together on a FREE 30-minute consultation. We will review your next steps. If we aren’t a good fit, I’ll try to recommend another contact, event or resource to help you. You have nothing to lose, except your overwhelm!

New marketing skills

Break your cycle of insanity.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over, yet expecting different results.

If you related to what I’ve outlined here, I know you are ready for a change. It’s insanity to think that change can happen if you don’t get help.

I offer a structured, yet flexible approach that will lead you forward. I am ready to WORK WITH YOU to create the changes you want. Leverage my 30+ years of expertise combined with your brilliance to build your brand.

Let’s talk about working together on a FREE 30-minute consultation. We will review your next steps. If we aren’t a good fit, I’ll try to recommend another contact, event or resource to help you. You have nothing to lose, except your overwhelm!

What my clients & colleagues are saying…