I will pick the option that works best for your goals:

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Idea Inspection

I don’t have a business yet (or it’s new), and I need help sorting through my options!

How long have you been thinking about that new business idea? Or an idea to make a change in your current business? If you’re stuck in your own head, you have two choices to move forward:

  • GET GOING – What do you need to know to finally turn your idea into reality?
  • LET IT GO – Stop investing time, money & energy, and shift to revenue-generating activities!

This service is the missing piece for many Entrepreneurs and they don’t even realize it. This is the best starting point if you’re in the “pre-build phase”—you don’t have a business plan because you don’t know enough to create one.

The service includes 90-minutes of research, brainstorming, and analysis. Get my outside perspective on your idea, and my inside knowledge of marketing, design & technology.

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Brand Inspection

I have a new or established business and I want to figure out my custom next steps!

Construct your custom solution! Before spending your valuable time, money & energy on a complex project, let’s review the easiest & fastest way to build your brand. The first step in making progress is getting an outline of what’s important and what you can take off your plate. This is the best place to start if:

  • you need to do a “brain dump” of the many ideas you have
  • you love to brainstorm & talk it out to help you focus your thoughts
  • you have a lot of options & ideas to review
  • you need an expert to do research on strategy & tech solutions
  • you are looking for an estimate for a larger project
  • you are detail-oriented & want multiple steps outlined.
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Tech Inspection

I have an established business with tech accounts that need changes!

Audit of your current setup + recommendations. Need help with your website, email, social media, email marketing or other challenges? This package is designed to take a peak “under the hood” of what you have setup to see what’s going on. From this point, I can recommend solutions to your challenges.

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